- Seminar
- shkd
AFLYST pga varme !! Triatlon m/hund 2019 i Furesøbad
- 30.06.2019 04:00:00 - 04:00:00
- Furesøbad, 3520 Farum
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Subscriber information:
Start kl. 9.30 - Betaling kr. 150 pr. hund, betales ved tilmelding på Kredsens konto: 2464-0170 015 591 eller Mobile Pay: 2278 1368. HUSK !! Mærk Triatlon.
- Timezone: Europe/Copenhagen
- start date: 30.06.2019 04:00:00
- end date: 30.06.2019 04:00:00
- Registration opening: 15.05.2019 23:00:00
- Closing date: 27.06.2019 23:50:00
- Discipline: Seminar
- Organizing club: Furesø, 55
- Address: Furesøbad, 3520 Farum
- Breeds: All breeds
Information entry fee
not depositedEntry fee
Seminar leader
Event documents
- færdig Triatlon copy.jpg brochure
AFLYST pga varme !! Triatlon m/hund 2019 i Furesøbad 30.06.2019
Furesøbad, 3520 Farum

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