- Meeting
- shkd
Generalforsamling Kreds 31 - Skive
- 31.01.2018 04:00:00 - 04:00:00
- Jegstrupvej 12, 7800 Skive
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Subscriber information:
Generalforsamling Kreds 31 - starter klokken 19:00
- Timezone: Europe/Berlin
- start date: 31.01.2018 04:00:00
- end date: 31.01.2018 04:00:00
- Registration opening: 23.12.2017 00:00:00
- Closing date: 31.01.2018 00:00:00
- Number of participants: 100
- Discipline: Meeting
- Organizing club: Skive, 31
- Address: Jegstrupvej 12, 7800 Skive
- Breeds: All breeds
- Homepage: kreds31.dk
Information entry fee
not depositedEntry fee
Generalforsamling Kreds 31 - Skive 31.01.2018
Jegstrupvej 12, 7800 Skive
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