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  • Utility & Tracking Dogs
  • shkd

canceled Alle undtagen UHP, Nykøbing F

  • 20.04.2019
  • Ved Kohaven 1 C, 4800 Nykøbing F

Subscriber information:

Prøvestart kl 9 - MAX 12 deltagere MAX 4 stk SPH - kredsens medlemmer har fortrinsret til disse

  • Timezone: Europe/Copenhagen
  • Registration opening: 23.02.2019 00:00:00
  • Closing date: 13.04.2019 18:00:00
  • Number of participants FCI-IGP: 6
  • Number of participants FCI-UPr: 4
  • Number of participants FCI-SPr: 2
  • Number of participants FCI-FPr: 4
  • Number of participants FCI-StP: 2
  • Number of participants Tracking test: 4
  • Number of participants Companion (BH/VT): 4
  • Discipline: FCI-IGP, FCI-UPr, FCI-SPr, FCI-FPr, FCI-StP, Tracking test, ZTP, Companion (BH/VT)
  • Organizing club: Nykøbing Falster, 41
  • Address: Ved Kohaven 1 C, 4800 Nykøbing F
  • Breeds: All breeds

Information entry fee

Der kan betales kontant eller med Mobilpay på dagen

Entry fee

Contact person

Tina Jersie


Trial chairman

Bettina Skafsgaard


No data available yet

judges and helpers

  • Judge (sport)

    Lene Carlson

    dk  Denmark

    A, B, C, Overall, FCI-IGP 1, FCI-IGP 2, FCI-IGP 3, FCI-IGP-V, Begynder B, Begynder AB, FCI-UPr 1, FCI-UPr 2, FCI-UPr 3, FCI-SPr 1, FCI-SPr 2, FCI-SPr 3, FCI-FPr 1, FCI-FPr 2, FCI-FPr 3, FCI-StP 1, FCI-StP 2, FCI-StP 3, FCI-IFH 1, FCI-IFH 2, ZTP, Companion (BH/VT)

  • Helper

    Søren Wærum

    dk  Denmark

Alle undtagen UHP, Nykøbing F 20.04.2019
Ved Kohaven 1 C, 4800 Nykøbing F