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  • Utility & Tracking Dogs
  • shkd

Subscriber information:

Prøven starter kl 8:00

  • Timezone: Europe/Copenhagen
  • Registration opening: 29.05.2018 00:00:00
  • Closing date: 20.06.2018 12:00:00
  • Number of participants FCI-IGP: 10
  • Number of participants Companion (BH/VT): 10
  • Discipline: FCI-IGP, Companion (BH/VT)
  • Organizing club: Hvidovre, 43
  • Address: Brøndby Havnevej 4, 2650 Hvidovre
  • Breeds: All breeds
  • Homepage:

Information entry fee

not deposited

Entry fee

Trial chairman

Anette Jensen

No data available yet

judges and helpers

Kreds 43 Afsluttende Prøve - B, AB, FP (meget begrænset antal IPO ) 23.06.2018
Brøndby Havnevej 4, 2650 Hvidovre